On Inspiration

I’ve been logging on and staring at my New Post page for the past few months, my brain frantically wracking itself, attempting to make sense of these tangled thoughts and murky emotions. I feel like I’ve been numbed, dulled, tarnished. My brain, my heart, my soul are all rusty. Lack of use, an abundance of misuse and abuse have resulted in the standstill I’ve come to today; it’s a cycle of destruction.

And then, as you’re about to give up hope, resign yourself to a future in shades of gray and muted tones, you come across something, a word, a picture, a fleeting thought and you feel. It starts as an uncertain trembling, like the faint, initial spark that starts a conflagration. And, as realization hits, your energy, your devotion, your spirit feeds it, breathes life into it and it evolves into an all-consuming blaze.

To Zainub, for, with your vitality and wisdom, being that first spark. You’ve revived a dying heart:

“…anything I write seems utterly inadequate at this moment. Perhaps that is my mind internalizing what it was taught today; that words have been my way for too long, that action is long overdue.” (source)

InshAllah, those words will be the herald of change, of revitalization in my life. I refuse to live a life of stagnated existence. May God give me strength.


Filed under Personal, Reflections

9 responses to “On Inspiration

  1. Good to see you back! 🙂

  2. zainubthewayfarer

    May Allah (swt) give me strength as well. Walaa your words mean the world to me.

    Something you said struck me because I know it so well, “My brain, my heart, my soul are all rusty. Lack of use, an abundance of misuse and abuse have resulted in the standstill I’ve come to today; it’s a cycle of destruction.”

    It happens to everyone, but the point is to defy it at every turn. May Allah (swt) give us the strength to do so. Ameen.

    Love you, remain determined.


  3. i didnt know this was you lady 🙂

    wow, masha-allah, you’ve got beautiful talent walaa!

  4. Ayesha

    Good to have you back, girl! 🙂

    Ahaha, I’m sure your mind and writing skills are not as atrophied as you claim. Looking forward to reading more posts from you! Don’t disappoint!

  5. S&S, it doesn’t matter how many times you disappear and then make a new comeback – we will always be waiting! (:

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