Daily Archives: June 16, 2009

Living for today

I’m the type of person who worries, incessantly, about the future. I don’t know how to slow down and enjoy what I have; I’m constantly focused on what I need to get done, and what I should have. An example goes like this: I wait all year to turn a certain age (20 for example) and then when I’m 20 I’m preoccupied with turning 21. I round my age up approximately one day after my birthday. So I spend 1 day being me, and 364 waiting around for the next 1 day.

The same thing generally applies to everything in my life. I need to get my drivers. I get it, enjoy it for the day, and then feel completely unsatisfied till I reach b) a car. For so long it was moving back and going to UofC and now that I’m accepted, I should be basking in it. Instead, I’m impatientely waiting for the fall, worrying about what degree/courses/major/minor etc I’ll be taking, and generally unsatisfied.

My dad finally had enough. I was discussing cars with him, and he’s like stop. Take a look at your life. Why are you always running after what you don’t have? Enjoy what you do. And he’s right. I mean, it took a while but I’m finally there. I’ve got a great job, registered to begin volunteering soon, I was accepted into UofC, I’m giving a lesson at the mosque, I have great friends, I’ve started jogging regularly again, I’ve got my license…

Turns out all that’s missing is some appreciation. I’m going to take it slow from here on in. Right now, alhamdulillah, my life is going great! So why not live for today? Enjoy the fact that I’m here and I’m me. The rest will come in time, no?


Filed under Reflections