Daily Archives: November 7, 2008


I’m not going to get into the past, and the countless times I’ve put my self in the same situation. I’ve been there, done that and to no avail. Apparently berating myself gets me no where. 

Instead, I want to thank Hiddensouls for these words, now pasted on my bedroom wall.
For reminding me. 

If Omar had feared failure
If Aisha has never asked
If Uthman has feared wealth
If Sulieman wasn’t confident
and in the face of death, Belal had given up.  

I want to thank the people of America. For electing an African-American president.
For giving me hope. 

And I want to thank Barack Obama. For having the courage to bring change and live up to his dreams.
For giving me back my dreams.

InshAllah, this time around will be different. In light of such reminders, how could it not be?

So I’ll be out for a while. Time to attend to the ‘real world.’ Pray for a sister 🙂 



Filed under Personal, Reflections